Chocolate Excuses

Here are some of the reasons our customers have given us for why they eat chocolate:
Because I'm a chocoholic and I don't want to be cured!---H.B.
Because I AM the SWEET CLOWN ! "Cotton Candy " the clown.---N.K.
Because it's one of life's greatest gifts! (to give or receive, but especially receive!)---R.R.
Because I just had a baby, and I need a little luxury !---L.L.
I don't need one. I am 58, have 2 children and 5 grandchildren and if they think it is okay it is fine with me.
Real friends don't let their friends eat chocolate alone, they join them! ---S.G.
Because you need your morning fix and coffee just doesn't do it.
Because it is "that time" of the month.
Because everyone else eats it.
Because my size 24 jeans were getting a little too loose.---K.B
Because I'm addicted to it.
Because it makes me feel so good that I can't stop eating.
Because I said so!!!
Because THESE are the best chocolates I've ever had.
I don't need an excuse, but I make one up when I get caught eating it.
Because life is short and we're supposed to enjoy it.
Because my mouth made me do it.
Because that little voice inside me wouldn't stop until I ate some!
Because I love chocolate, that's why!
Because it's there.---S.H.
Because no matter how bad things are going, chocolate puts a smile on my face (AND A POUND ON MY WAIST).
Because I deserve it!
Because it will melt in my hand.
Because I'm out of Kaluaha!
Because if I don't eat them, the kids will, and they don't need them.---B.F.
Because I stayed away from it for too long.
Because its the best comfort food available.---L.C.
Because you know when you send it as a present, it's the best present you can give... it's as good as a HUG!---J.H.
Because I bought some when I was in Montana last summer, and like an idiot gave them to my mother, who has begged me to find more. This time I ordered some for myself too!
Because there is nothing like dark chocolate truffles, a glass of wine and a bubble bath for two to end the day.
Because it was on sale.
Because I do a lot of volunteer work and need some sweet relaxation.---M.P.
Because all the pounds it puts on me will keep me warn in this below zero weather.---L.M.
Because I CAN!
Because my blood sugar crashed!---E.H.
Because my daughter is a teenager and I need a break.---J.C.
Hey, I'm a big boy now and I can eat what I want!---T.S
What's YOUR excuse??? Send us yours and it might get put on our site!